In 100 years will this matter?
Wait until next year!

Even if you're not a Chicago Cub fan here's a saying you may have heard and may even believe to be true:
"Dyslexia is only about flipping letters around. Reading backwards. That's it!"
The other day my husband heard a women announcing to her co-workers that dyslexia is only about "flipping letters around". The subject came up because another woman in the group was concerned about her grandson's struggles in academics and other areas of life. The first woman went on to say that the grandson could not be dyslexic because dyslexia is "only about reversing letters".
Before my husband even had a chance to chime in one of the moms I've worked with came into the room. Her son is a graduate of the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. Upon hearing the conversation that was taking place my client's mom quickly took charge of the conversation.
My husband? He just sat back and listened because not only does this mom know what she's talking about, she can tell you first hand about the many successes, in many areas of life, that her son has had since he completed the Davis program that I offer at OnPoint Learning Center.

To start off your next conversation about the true facts on dyslexia check out these basic 37 common traits of dyslexia:
Read over these traits of dyslexia and see if there's not something you can't wait to start telling others about!
And don't wait 100 years!
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