Not all 'wounds' from the summer drought can be healed by the cooler temperatures and rain storms that we've received over the past few weeks. But the plants that did survive, they've moved on. Just like the calendar has, because here in North America it's autumn.
So what happened to all of those plants that were seemingly on their last leg? Some are no more - as in gone for good [dead]; others took a time-out [dormant] and some are thriving [beautiful].
So you're probably wondering what the survival rate for trees has to do with dyslexia? Give my dad a call. He's wondered about my odd mixture of horticulture degree and dyslexia expertise for a long time, he'd love to talk to you!
But seriously, here's the scoop: We're like the trees. We survive the trials of living dyslexic [living through droughts that seem endless, that threaten to leave us wounded for life] in this world where some say: "There's no such thing as dyslexia!"
We can let them take us out with their endless drought of *we must do it the way things have always been done*. Or we can continue on, surviving and ---> blooming!

Now, if you can find a beautiful tree outside your window, a tree that's showing some lovely fall foliage tell it: "There's no such thing as drought!"
I know, that doesn't really make sense! But it makes about as much sense as denying the fact that dyslexia exists.
Yes, the trees are turning lovely versions of bronze, yellow and red colors. Obviously, there wasn't a drought this summer. Right?
Drought or no drought sometimes we just continue on. Now, go forth and SHINE!
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