Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This is really OUT OF THIS WORLD work!

My clients create amazing things right before my eyes. Daily.  But it struck me the other day just what a true gift my clients are; their creations, their ideas, and their absolutely ingenious skills.  So just to be clear, I'm not talking about the 'Gift of Dyslexia' as in Ron Davis' book, I'm talking about the unique potential of my clients themselves.

When the idea came to me how these gifts unfold before my eyes I have to admit that a few tears welled up in my eyes. For you see I have been privileged to be front and center stage to witness talented and out of this world creative people performing!

Out of this world. Yes, that leads me to what I found sitting before me the other day.

See this? May I explain this model a little :)

We were working on the uppercase letters of the alphabet and here's what they looked like:

My client, Jeremiah, is a 5 year old kindergartner who has known the letters of the alphabet for quite sometime; he created these clay letters independently, and now we're going to touch and say these letters that are right before us. We call that Alphabet Mastery

As he went from Z back to A, touching each letter, he called letter V a U [you].  Without hesitating or explaining his next move he picked up some extra clay and began earnestly creating clay balls...from there our Solar System came to life! [See photo on the top, left]

From the left side of the picture you see the planet Mercury (first clay ball). Next, though its a bit hard to see, is the planet Venus with a letter V around it, a  /_ of sorts.  So he'd taken that 'trigger' of letter V and connected it to something important and of interest to him.  Venus.

He went on to create the planets, adding a ring around the planet Jupiter. At the end of the Solar System (between the A and M in the right side of the top picture) you see a star. That's because I was explaining to Jeremiah how we used to call the smallest 'planet' Pluto, though it's no longer considered a planet.  He said then it was a star, and a star is what he added to the end of the Solar System.

So back to the alphabet.... The letters of his alphabet were still in the correct sequence from A to Z and we'd worked on them a bit. My young client touched each letter A-Z, then Z-A.  Then he processed the letters without touching them going from A-Z; then from Z-A. He named them as he visually tracked them... but as he tracked them from Z back to A, as he came to the letter J he called the letter U [you].

I allowed him to finish the alphabet mastery, to name all the letters back to A and asked, "Did you notice anything?"

"No," he replied.

I motioned over the right end of the upper row of letters and asked if he noticed anything there.  He said no, at first, but then, looked at L, then K and finally the J.  And here's what happened next:

It took all his energy to process through those letters and to hit upon the trigger in the letter J...J for Jeremiah.  Somehow there's a  connection between the letter U and letter V and J. It really doesn't matter where or what that trigger is because we're simply going to erase it.

He slept for over an hour, right there in the chair.  He's not a napper or a big sleeper, either!

Processing. So much energy.

One more tidbit. We were not alone in the room; there were two others with us because the Columbia Missourian newspaper had a reporter and a photographer following the work that Jeremiah was doing that day. So he slept before an audience!

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